At the September MBPR luncheon, Emily Cain, Development and Events Manager for Friends of the Hennepin County Library, Joanna R. Demkiewicz, co-founder and editorial director of The Riveter and publicist for Milkweed Editions, Jeff Kamin, Senior Producer of Performance Programs for Minnesota Public Radio and moderator & producer of Books & Bars, and Moheb Soliman, Program Director for the local Arab American arts organization Mizna, shared ways to creatively organize alternative, partnered book events.
The panelists began by discussing what an alternative event means for their organizations and how they choose the best partners for their events. Moderator Jennie Goloboy asked panelists to describe how they work with partners to create a successful event; suggestions included putting together a written partnership agreement and being forthcoming with partners about exceptions for the event. We ended the panel discussion with each presenter discussing some of their favorite local literary events.
An audio recording of this event is available to members in Member Resources. Thanks to everyone for a great event!