At the March MBPR luncheon, Amy Lindgren, President of Prototype Career Service, nationally syndicated columnist (, and guest expert on Minnesota Public Radio, shared thoughts and experience on career advancement in the field of publishing. Amy began her presentation by noting that publishing, like all fields, has changed tremendously in recent years. Impacted by everything from technology to globalization to the rise in self-publishing, the field has needed to be agile to stay relevant. As many of us know, with so much going on, it’s easy to lose track of personal career management. With that in mind, Amy asked attendees to consider what keeps them interested in publishing. The audience was provided with a helpful worksheet that laid out three “areas” of publishing to consider (enterprise publishing, publishing as a function, and publishing as a service), several career discovery questions, and some general advancement tips and tools. Click here for the worksheet discussed during the presentation, and see below for a link to the audio recording. Thanks to Amy and all the attendees for a great event!