At the November 2017 luncheon, Carol Fisher Saller, renowned author and long-time editor of The Chicago Manual of Style’s online Q&A, gave a keynote presentation introducing the seventeenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. Saller began by taking the audience through the previous sixteen editions of the The Chicago Manual of Style’s and discussing how and when it received its now-familiar traits, such as its orange and blue color scheme. Saller then focused her address on each new change to the seventeenth edition, going chapter by chapter to explain the rationale behind each adjustment. She ended her presentation with helpful information about the launch of the online edition and directions for purchasing the new Manual. After concluding, Saller spent time with MBPR and PEN members. Saller’s introduction to the seventeenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style’s provided a clear look at the new features to the Manual, therefore making the transition from the sixteenth edition easier for all in attendance. Thank you to all attendees and participants for an excellent event! A special thank you goes to Carol Fisher Saller for her wonderful presentation and to the Professional Editors Network (PEN) for co-sponsoring this event! Carol has graciously allowed us to post the PowerPoint deck she used that day. You can download it here.